I finally decided to go back to my Weight Watchers meeting last night. I'm so glad I did! There is such comfort in going to meetings. I get an energy that Iso need to get going. I think I have one of the best leaders anyone could ever want. She's there to listen and help you on the goals you want to reach, and so much more. She's such an inspiration!
I really do not know what's going on with me. I do know that I have had no desire to do the program. The program will not work if you do not want to do it. So, here I am again pushing the restart button. I'm really looking forward to the program which is such a different attitude than I've had the past year and a half. So, I'm putting the past behind me and moving forward. That's basically the only thing you can do!
Here is what I had for breakfast and a picture is at the top.
1/2 cup egg beaters- 1 points plus
1 Weight Watchers Cheese Single- 1 points plus
1 slice lean ham- 1 points plus
1 small apple- 0 points plus
2 cups water
3 points plus used
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
What's For Breakfast and My Weigh In
The new PointsPlus Weight Watchers program really works! I tested it for a week and truly love it! I lost 3.4 pounds. I used my weekly points and ate pizza out. There's no depriving yourself or going hungry on this plan. This is so the boost I needed to get back on track.
At my Weight Watchers meeting last night, the new weekly booklet has a place for you to plan your meals for the next day. I am a big planner and I really believe planning helped me lose the weight I lost on the Flex and Momentum programs. I like to plan my meals for the week. This is just a plan but it helps guide me to eating better and having the foods available that I need. It also saves me at the grocery store because I take my plan and make a menu. I usually post those on this blog on Mondays. Last week, I read about a lot of people on the Weight Watchers message boards saying they were having a hard time planning menus with the new program. Personally, I use the same things I was eating before and just change the points to the new PointsPlus program. This week I plan to list some of my favorite meals and snack that I like to use to stay on plan. I plan my meals for my family of 6. We eat the same things. So, I use things that are kid friendly and within my grocery budget. All my kids but 1 eat breakfast at school, so I can do things I like then. Today I am focusing on Breakfast.
Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day. I always like to eat a fruit with it to get some of my Good Health Guidelines in. These are just my ideas. You need to pick things you enjoy. That's why I like Weight Watchers so much it gives you the freedom to choose! As always the ingredients you use may change the point values, so make sure you check the points based on your ingredients.
1. Omelets- These are so easy to make and add what you like. I make mine with egg beaters and I use 1/2 cup for 1 point, then I add a Weight Watcher Cheese Single for 1 pt. , I also like to have onions and mushrooms both 0 points. I also found some ham slices at Save a Lot that are 2 points for 2 slices. Sometimes I put one in the omelet and then place the other one in the hot pan I cooked the omelet in and eat it on the side. I add a fruit to this and some hot herbal tea. Right now I enjoy the Celestial Seasonings Holiday Gingerbread Spice one. A very filling breakfast that I only spend 4 points on. this also contains a lot of power foods which keep you fuller longer.
2. Oatmeal- I love oatmeal on a cold winter morning. I like to add cinnamon to mine. I have 1 cup for 4 points and eat a banana on the side. I also like to put things in my oatmeal to spice it up a bit and sometimes use the instant to save time. Here is one of my favorites.
Apple Pie Oatmeal-Taste just like Apple Pie!!!
Apple Pie Oatmeal
1 package of light cinnamon flavored oatmeal like Quaker Oatmeal Weight Control Cinnamon
Dash of extra cinnamon to taste
1/2 cup of unsweetened applesauce or a single serve container
Pour the package contents in a small bowl with a dash of extra cinnamon and add about 1/2 cup of boiling water. Stir and let sit a minute. Stir in the applesauce and sprinkle with a bit more cinnamon.
Makes 1 serving at 5 points
3. Boxed Cereal with Fat Free Milk
Here are some of my favorites"
Honey Nut Cheerios- 3/4 cup at 3 points
Multi grain Cheerios- 1 cup for 3 points
Rice Chex Cereal- 1 cup for 3 points
I add a piece of fruit and 1 have 1 cup of fat free milk to get my healthy guidelines in. I drink what ever I do not use in my cereal. This breakfast usually does not keep me very full but on a quick morning that I do not have time to cook, I like it.
4. Hungry Girl Egg Mugs, these are a few I really like.
All American Egg Mug
The Classic Egg Mug- I like to add veggies to this to make it more filling.
There are a ton to choose from the Hungry Girl website. After you make a few you can start adding in whatever you like to custom make yours. Remember to add power foods to help you fuller. I also like to add a fruit to this meal and some herbal tea.
5. Pancakes and French Toast
I love pancakes and French Toast so why not fit them into my Breakfast. I use Sugar Free Syrup with mine. I also like to have fruit with them. These are usually saved for weekend meals with the kids.
Cinnamon French Toast
1 cup Egg Beaters (2 points)
1/3 cup fat free milk ( 1 point)
1 tsp ground cinnamon (0 points)
1 tsp vanilla extract (0 points)
non-stick spray
10 slices of bread (This will depend on what type of bread you use)
Whisk together Egg Beaters, milk, cinnamon, and vanilla is shallow medium bowl; set aside. Spray non-stick skillet with cooking spray; heat over medium. Dip bread in egg beaters mixture, coat both sides. Put in skillet and cook on both sides until golden brown.
Serving size is 2 slices (add up the points I gave you with your bread points and then divide by 5, the number of servings to find the point value.)
Whole Wheat Buttermilk Pancakes- I use this recipe but I don't use the butter or the maple syrup. You get 12 pancakes with 2 pancakes being a serving for 5 points for each serving. I like to double the recipe and freeze some for an easy morning.
*You can do this same activity for yourself since everyone gets a different number of points and has different likes. Here's how you do it. Write down all the breakfast meals you enjoyed on the Momentum program and then find out the new point values and try to add power foods to the ones you already like. You may find that there are some things you do not like on this program anymore. I got rid of a lot of my Light English Muffins and bagel. This activity really helped me. Now I have a go to list of the foods I like and the point values when I go to plan my menus.
At my Weight Watchers meeting last night, the new weekly booklet has a place for you to plan your meals for the next day. I am a big planner and I really believe planning helped me lose the weight I lost on the Flex and Momentum programs. I like to plan my meals for the week. This is just a plan but it helps guide me to eating better and having the foods available that I need. It also saves me at the grocery store because I take my plan and make a menu. I usually post those on this blog on Mondays. Last week, I read about a lot of people on the Weight Watchers message boards saying they were having a hard time planning menus with the new program. Personally, I use the same things I was eating before and just change the points to the new PointsPlus program. This week I plan to list some of my favorite meals and snack that I like to use to stay on plan. I plan my meals for my family of 6. We eat the same things. So, I use things that are kid friendly and within my grocery budget. All my kids but 1 eat breakfast at school, so I can do things I like then. Today I am focusing on Breakfast.
Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day. I always like to eat a fruit with it to get some of my Good Health Guidelines in. These are just my ideas. You need to pick things you enjoy. That's why I like Weight Watchers so much it gives you the freedom to choose! As always the ingredients you use may change the point values, so make sure you check the points based on your ingredients.
1. Omelets- These are so easy to make and add what you like. I make mine with egg beaters and I use 1/2 cup for 1 point, then I add a Weight Watcher Cheese Single for 1 pt. , I also like to have onions and mushrooms both 0 points. I also found some ham slices at Save a Lot that are 2 points for 2 slices. Sometimes I put one in the omelet and then place the other one in the hot pan I cooked the omelet in and eat it on the side. I add a fruit to this and some hot herbal tea. Right now I enjoy the Celestial Seasonings Holiday Gingerbread Spice one. A very filling breakfast that I only spend 4 points on. this also contains a lot of power foods which keep you fuller longer.
2. Oatmeal- I love oatmeal on a cold winter morning. I like to add cinnamon to mine. I have 1 cup for 4 points and eat a banana on the side. I also like to put things in my oatmeal to spice it up a bit and sometimes use the instant to save time. Here is one of my favorites.
Apple Pie Oatmeal-Taste just like Apple Pie!!!
Apple Pie Oatmeal
1 package of light cinnamon flavored oatmeal like Quaker Oatmeal Weight Control Cinnamon
Dash of extra cinnamon to taste
1/2 cup of unsweetened applesauce or a single serve container
Pour the package contents in a small bowl with a dash of extra cinnamon and add about 1/2 cup of boiling water. Stir and let sit a minute. Stir in the applesauce and sprinkle with a bit more cinnamon.
Makes 1 serving at 5 points
3. Boxed Cereal with Fat Free Milk
Here are some of my favorites"
Honey Nut Cheerios- 3/4 cup at 3 points
Multi grain Cheerios- 1 cup for 3 points
Rice Chex Cereal- 1 cup for 3 points
I add a piece of fruit and 1 have 1 cup of fat free milk to get my healthy guidelines in. I drink what ever I do not use in my cereal. This breakfast usually does not keep me very full but on a quick morning that I do not have time to cook, I like it.
4. Hungry Girl Egg Mugs, these are a few I really like.
All American Egg Mug
The Classic Egg Mug- I like to add veggies to this to make it more filling.
There are a ton to choose from the Hungry Girl website. After you make a few you can start adding in whatever you like to custom make yours. Remember to add power foods to help you fuller. I also like to add a fruit to this meal and some herbal tea.
5. Pancakes and French Toast
I love pancakes and French Toast so why not fit them into my Breakfast. I use Sugar Free Syrup with mine. I also like to have fruit with them. These are usually saved for weekend meals with the kids.
Cinnamon French Toast
1 cup Egg Beaters (2 points)
1/3 cup fat free milk ( 1 point)
1 tsp ground cinnamon (0 points)
1 tsp vanilla extract (0 points)
non-stick spray
10 slices of bread (This will depend on what type of bread you use)
Whisk together Egg Beaters, milk, cinnamon, and vanilla is shallow medium bowl; set aside. Spray non-stick skillet with cooking spray; heat over medium. Dip bread in egg beaters mixture, coat both sides. Put in skillet and cook on both sides until golden brown.
Serving size is 2 slices (add up the points I gave you with your bread points and then divide by 5, the number of servings to find the point value.)
Whole Wheat Buttermilk Pancakes- I use this recipe but I don't use the butter or the maple syrup. You get 12 pancakes with 2 pancakes being a serving for 5 points for each serving. I like to double the recipe and freeze some for an easy morning.
*You can do this same activity for yourself since everyone gets a different number of points and has different likes. Here's how you do it. Write down all the breakfast meals you enjoyed on the Momentum program and then find out the new point values and try to add power foods to the ones you already like. You may find that there are some things you do not like on this program anymore. I got rid of a lot of my Light English Muffins and bagel. This activity really helped me. Now I have a go to list of the foods I like and the point values when I go to plan my menus.
Friday, December 3, 2010
New PointsPlus+ Program
I am starting over with Weight Watchers. I never really quit, I just gained a lot of weight back and totally lost my motivation for the program, so I need to really get back on track. Tuesday, I got the new information at my meeting on the new Weight Watchers Program, PointsPlus+. My impressions after the meeting were that this new program was really complicated, but very doable. I have now been on the new program for 2 days, today starts my 3rd. They tell you not to compare to the old program, but it is really hard because I have done that program for so long. I agree though that you MUST do that. You now get a bigger daily and weekly points allowance which seems high but then most foods are higher in points too. One of the new things is that fresh fruits and most veggies can be eaten for "free." You can't abuse this though. Yesterday I used 15 extra weekly points. They say those are in there for you to use and still lose weight so we will see. I lost a lot of weight with the Momentum program. I did however feel hungry sometimes on that program. I have not felt that way on this new program. I full fuller because I am choosing power foods as Weight Watchers calls them. I feel like I am eating more. So, I worry about am I doing it right? Will I really lose weight?, etc. But you know what, I really like the new program and feel it keeps me fuller during the day. I can't wait until weigh in day to see how well it works and how well I worked it.
My goals for the rest of the week:
1. Keep tracking (I rediscovered my e-tools tracker. I forgot how much I loved it. It has also been a long time since I tracked, probably why I was not doing well. I needed motivation!)
2. Exercise (I have not exercised either day, so I want to get that added in.)
3. Plan my day early for the foods I plan to eat. This really helps me stay on points.
4. Continue to keep my blog updated.
My goals for the rest of the week:
1. Keep tracking (I rediscovered my e-tools tracker. I forgot how much I loved it. It has also been a long time since I tracked, probably why I was not doing well. I needed motivation!)
2. Exercise (I have not exercised either day, so I want to get that added in.)
3. Plan my day early for the foods I plan to eat. This really helps me stay on points.
4. Continue to keep my blog updated.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Pineapple Meatloaf
I have been wanting to make this recipe for awhile now, but my husband hates pineapple and especially crushed pineapple. After reading several reviews, I learned that most people said you could not taste the pineapple. I decided to go ahead and make it without telling him. I made it before going to my meeting last night and left him to serve dinner to the kids. When I came back, I asked him if he liked it and he said it was pretty good. So, I guess I tricked him. You really can't taste the pineapples so don't let that stop you from making this because it is so good. I served mine with green beans and 80 calorie Betty Crocker instant potatoes and a biscuit. It was a great meal! I also made a mistake and did not add the oats, but it still cooked well even with those left out. I'll add them next time. I had my onion and green pepper already chopped so this was a very quick meal to cook! Here's the recipe, so you can try it yourself

Pineapple Meatloaf
1 egg, beaten
1/2 cup quick cooking oats
1/2 cup onion, finely chopped
1/2 cup green bell pepper, finely chopped (or any color)
1/4 tsp. salt
1 pound lean ground beef
8 ounces crushed pineapple
BBQ sauce, optional (add points if you use)
Combine egg, oats, onion, bell pepper, and salt. Add beef and pineapple. Mix well. Place in a baking dish and bake uncovered at 350 degrees for 40-45 minutes or until meat is no longer pink. Top with BBQ sauce, if desired.
Serves 4 (I served 6 with it, but I also have 3 small children)
Calories: 250; Fat 7g; Fiber 2g
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Tuesday Breakfast and a Hungry Girl Review
I've been trying new things for breakfast because my old stand-bys have started becoming boring. I got the new Hungry Girl 123 Cookbook for my birthday and I plan to try some of those recipes out. Here's what I had today.

Hungry Girl's Burger-rama- 3 pts
1 cup sliced strawberries with Splenda- 0.5 points
2 cups water
Lorie's Review: This is the third mug recipe I have tried and I like how quick and easy they are to make and they are really filling. This particular one was a little strange. It was good, but there are others I like better.

Hungry Girl's Burger-rama- 3 pts
1 cup sliced strawberries with Splenda- 0.5 points
2 cups water
Lorie's Review: This is the third mug recipe I have tried and I like how quick and easy they are to make and they are really filling. This particular one was a little strange. It was good, but there are others I like better.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Menu Plan Monday May 10-16- Crockpot Week!

Monday: Crockpot Cheesy Chicken Spaghetti, Low-Fat Bread Machine Italian Bread (made into bread sticks), salad
Tuesday: Crockpot Taco Junk with baked tortilla scoop chips
Wednesday: Crockpot Rotisserie Chicken, crockpot baked potatoes (cooked in bottom of chicken), green beans
Thursday: To Die For Roast, Betty Crocker 80 Calorie Mashed Potatoes, green beans
Friday: Pizza Night
Saturday: Crockpot Chicken and stuffing, Crockpot Baked Potatoes, green beans
Sunday: *New Recipe Night* Pineapple Meatloaf, green beans
Monday: Hungry Girl's All American Egg Mug, strawberries
Tuesday: Hungry Girl's Egg Mug Burger-Rama, grapes
Wednesday: Hungry Girl's All American Egg Mug, strawberries
Thursday: Hungry Girl's Egg Mug Classic, strawberries
Friday: Hungry Girl's Pizza Pizza Egg Mug, grapes
Saturday: Denver Omelette in a Mug, strawberries
Sunday: Hungry Girl's All-American Egg Mug, strawberries
(Note: My kids eat breakfast at school and my little one eats cereal everyday.)
Monday: Bacon Tomato Sandwich, grapes
Tuesday: Bacon Tomato Sandwich, grapes
Wednesday: Garden Vegetable Soup
Thursday: Garden Vegetable Soup
Friday: Garden Vegetable Soup
Saturday: Cookout at church
Sunday: Fat Free Hot Dogs, baked chips
Go here to see more menus.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Using Your Crock Pot on Weight Weighters

I use the crockpot a lot with my family. It saves me from having to heat up my house with the oven, especially in the summer. I can also use cheaper cuts of meat and they come out tender and that saves me money! I also like that with most recipes I just put it in and forget it until dinner.
I have several favorite recipes that my family loves and that we cook a lot in my house. All are great if you are doing Weight Watchers or just watching your weight. Here are my favorite crock pot recipes for my kitchen.
Crockpot Cheesy Chicken Spaghetti
Serves 12 ( one cup each)
16 oz. dry spaghetti, cooked
1 lb. Velveeta Light (2%)Cheese
12.5 oz can chicken breast, drained & flaked
1 can 98% FF cream of mushroom soup
1 can 98% FF cream of chicken soup
10 oz. can diced tomatoes & green chilies (Rotel)
4 oz can mushroom stems & pieces, drained
1/2 cup water
1 small onion, diced
1 med. green pepper, diced
salt & pepper to taste
Spray slow cooker with non-stick cooking spray. Combine all ingredients in slow cooker and stir to mix well. Cook on LOW for 2-3 hours. Stir again just before serving.
Nutrition Info:286 Cal., 5.7 g Fat, 2.7 g Fiber
To Die For Roast
1 envelope of brown gravy seasoning packet
1 envelope ranch dressing seasoning packet
1 envelope good seasons Italian seasoning packet
1/2 c water
Mix all 3 seasoning packets together. Spray crock pot. Place roast in middle and surround with potatoes. Pour in 1/2c water. Sprinkle roast and potatoes with seasoning mixture. Cook on low 7-8 hours. Enjoy!
Unstuffed Green Pepper Soup
1 Lb. 96% Lean Ground Beef, cooked
2 (14.5 oz.) Cans Diced Tomatoes seasoned with basil, garlic and oregano
2 (10.5 oz.) Cans Chicken Broth
1 Large Onion, chopped
3 Bell Peppers, chopped
2 (10 3/4 oz.) Cans Condensed Tomato Soup
1 1/2 Cups Cooked Long Grain Rice
Spray crockpot with non-stick cooking spray. Inside the crockpot, Combine the cooked beef, diced tomatoes, chicken broth, onion, bell peppers and tomato soup. Cover and cook on low for 6-8 hours. Warm up the rice, stir it into the soup and serve.
Serves: 12 (1 Cup Each)
Per Serving: 141 Calories; 3g Fat (18.2% calories from fat); 11g Protein; 18g Carbohydrate; 2g Dietary Fiber; 22mg Cholesterol; 470mg Sodium. Exchanges: 1 Grain (Starch); 0 Lean Meat; 1 Vegetable; 0 Fat.
Crockpot Brown Sugar Chili
8 Servings
240 Calories 4 g. Fiber 6 g. Fat
FROM: “Fix it and Forget it Lightly” Cookbook
1 lb. extra-lean ground beef
½ c. brown sugar
2 T. prepared mustard
1medium sized onion, chopped
2 cans (14 oz. each) kidney or red beans
2 c. low-sodium tomato juice
½ t. salt
¼ t. pepper
1 t. chili powder
Brown ground beef and onion in a nonstick skillet over medium heat. Stir in brown sugar and mustard. Combine all ingredients in slow cooker. Cover. Cook on HIGH 2-3 hours. If possible, stir several times during cooking.
Mexican Rice Casserole
1/2 pound lean ground beef
2 TB diced onion
1 large green pepper, chopped
16 oz. can kidney beans, rinsed and drained
16 oz. can diced tomatoes, undrained
8 oz. can tomato sauce
1/4 cup water
1 package taco seasoning
1 tablespoon chili powder
1 cup instant rice, uncooked
In a non stick skillet, brown beef, onions, and peppers. Combine all ingredients in a slow cooker, except rice. Cook on low for 5-6 hours. Stir in rice, cover and cook until rice is tender, about 15 minutes.
Yields: 6 servings (about 1 cup each)
Per Serving: 272 calories, 2g fat, 6g fiber
Smothered Buttermilk Chicken
1 pound boneless chicken thighs (see note, I did that)
3 medium carrots, sliced
1/3 cup onion, chopped
1/2 cup water
2 tablespoons light margarine
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1 bay leaf
1 package chicken gravy mix
1/3 cup buttermilk
2 teaspoons flour
1 cup frozen peas
In a 4 to 6 quart crock pot, combine chicken, carrots, onion, water, butter, salt, pepper and bay leaf; mix well. Cover; cook on low setting for 6 to 8 hours or on high setting for 3 to 4 hours. About 20 minutes before serving, stir gravy mix into crock pot. Remove and discard bay leaf. In a measuring cup, blend buttermilk and flour until smooth. Stir flour mixture and peas into chicken; mix well. Cover, increase heat to high; cover and cook an additional 25-20 minutes or until peas are cooked. Serve with rice or biscuits.
Serves 4 (I served 8 people this meal but added more chicken)
7 points
NOTES: **You can use frozen bone in chicken thighs as well. Just turn up the heat to high for the first hour, then down to low for the remaining 6 hours. Before stirring in gravy mix, remove the skin from the chicken. The chicken will fall apart and meld nicely with the rest of the dish- just be sure to remove the bones before serving.
Crockpot Taco Junk
1 lb Lean Ground Beef 90% Lean
Cooked & Drained Or Ground Turkey
15 oz Whole Kernel Corn, Drained
15 oz Kidney Beans, Or Northern, Or Pinto, Drained
1 envelope Ranch dressing powder
1 envelope Taco Seasoning Mix
10 oz Rotel Tomatoes
16 oz Salsa
Brown ground beef, drain if necessary. Mix all ingredients together. Place in crock pot and cook on high for 4 hours.
Makes 5-1 cup servings:
Per Serving: 406 Cal; 11 g Tot Fat; 8 g Fiber
10- 1/2 cup servings:
Per Serving: 203 Cal; 5 g Tot Fat; 4 g Fiber
Crockpot Rotisserie Chicken
1 whole chicken
spray olive oil
Lawry's seasoned salt -no substitutes
Aluminum foil
Clean chicken inside and out. Spray with olive oil spray. Sprinkle with Lawry's. Spray inside of crock with Pam. Note: Do not put any water in the crock. Roll 3 or 4 wads of aluminum foil into 2”-3” balls and put them in the bottom of the crock. The chicken is going to sit on these. Place chicken breast side down in crock on top of aluminum balls. (The chicken breast sits on the aluminum balls, for the simple fact that the natural juices drain to the bottom of the pot, so with the breast on the bottom the juices stay in the breast instead of draining from the breast keeping the breast super moist!)
Cook on High (will not come out the same on low), 4-6 hours. (3lb. chicken took 4 hours)
You have to use the aluminum to get the deli taste. This chicken tastes very close to one you would buy, precooked, in the deli section of your supermarket
**NOTE** wrap a potato in foil and place them in the bottom of the crock pot to make the foil balls, then you have both chicken and potatoes cooked to perfection
Crockpot Chicken and Stuffing
4 chicken breasts (halves)
1 pkg. Stove Top Stuffing
1/2 cup chicken broth
1 can FF cream of mushroom soup
Spray crockpot with non-stick cooking spray. Place chicken on bottom of crockpot. Pour broth over the chicken. Mix together the stuffing and soup. Place on top of the chicken. Cook on low for 7 hours.
Serves 4
Nutrition Information:403 Cal., 5.1 g. fat, 1.3 g. fiber
Crockpot Sour Cream Salsa Chicken
4 skinless, boneless, chicken breast halves
1 package reduced-sodium taco seasoning mix
1 cup salsa
2 tablespoons cornstarch
¼ cup light sour cream
Spray the crockpot with cooking spray. Add the chicken breast. Sprinkle with taco seasoning. Top with salsa. Cook on low for 6-8 hours. When ready to serve, remove the chicken from the pot. Place about 2 tablespoons cornstarch in a small amount of water. Stir well. Stir the cornstarch mixture into salsa sauce. Stir in ¼ cup sour cream.
Serves 4
Per serving: 170 calories, 2g fat, 1g fiber
Crock Pot Lasagna
1 pound uncooked lean ground beef with 7% fat
1 small onion, chopped
1 medium garlic clove, minced
28 oz canned crushed tomatoes
15 oz canned tomato sauce
1 tsp. table salt
1 tsp. dried oregano
1/2 tsp dried basil
1/4 tsp. red pepper flakes or to taste
1 c. part-skim ricotta cheese
1 and 1/2 c. part-skim mozzarella cheese, shredded and divided
6 dry lasagna noodles, no cook
1/2 c. shredded Parmesan cheese
Heat a large skillet over med. heat. Add beef, onion, and garlic. Cook until meat is done or about 5-7 minutes. Stir in crushed tomatoes, tomato sauce, salt, oregano, basil, and red pepper flakes. Simmer 5 minutes. In med. bowl stir together ricotta and 1c. of mozzarella. Spoon 1/3 of beef mixture into a 5 qt. slow cooker. Break 3 lasagna noodles in half and place over beef mixture. Top noodles with 1/2 of ricotta cheese mixture. Repeat another layer and finish with remaining 1/3 of beef mixture.
Cover slow cooker and cook on low setting 4-6 hours. Remove cover. Turn off heat. Season to taste if desired.
In a small bowl combine remaining 1/2 c. mozzarella and parmesan; sprinkle over beef mixture. Cover and set aside until cheese melts and the lasagna firms up, about 10 minutes.
Serves 6 people.
Nutrition Information (per serving): 425 calories; 16.7 g. fat; 45 mg. cholesterol; 32.2 g. carbohydrate; 5 g. fiber; 39.2 g. protein
Crockpot Cheeseburgers
1-1/2 lb. lean ground beef
1/2 t. garlic salt
1/2t. pepper
8 oz. Light Velveeta
2 T. skim milk
1 c. onion, chopped
In skillet, brown ground beef with garlic and pepper. Drain.
Combine cooked meat and remaining ingredients in crock pot.
Mix well and cook on low 2-3 hours.
Serve on buns or over mashed potatoes for additional points.
10 servings (1/2 cup each)
4 points per serving
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