Tuesday, January 8, 2008

I need to just get this over with...

I need to tell you all how much I weigh. Now first I will tell you that nobody ever believes me when I tell them how much I weigh. When the nurses weigh me at the doctor, I tell them where to move the scale to and they say no way and I say yes! Monday morning I weighed myself and I weighed 323.8 pounds. No one in the Biggest Loser contest even weighs close to that. But that is me and I got to accept that that is my starting point. When you all see my pictures you won't believe it either but that is my weight. I come from a family of women who have weight problems. I weighed 299 when I brought my last baby home almost 1 year ago, so I have gained about 20 pounds in one year. Ouch! I know I can do this though! I have made that decision. My doctor told me that I should join WW, but you know WW cost money and I really don't have enough of that right now, so I researched WW online and I really seem to like it so far, I got a few things I need to work on but overall I like it. The support you all are giving me really helps me. Thanks so much for visiting and I plan to help all of you too by visiting your weight loss blogs. If I don't have you linked on my sidebar please let me know where to find your blog so I can give you support too. Hope you all have a great day!


Monkey Kisses said...

Hey girl.. Now let me say that I too weigh more than I look.. People NEVER believe me when I tell them how much I weigh.
Second there are ways to beat the costs of WW. Now I do recommend going to the meetings because they keep you in check and give you amazing support and great tips, but I could not afford that either. I got the WW at home kit, and signed up for their e-tools which was much cheaper. I then communicated on a daily basis with other women I know that have been on WW.
I lost 25 lbs in 7 months last year. I Have not been at it since the summer, but I do need to get back on it and was planning to do so starting next Monday! But if you need any help, information, tips Please let me know. You can also sign up for some free info and websites that have tons and tons of WW recipes. I also have some saved on my computer I can email you, so let me know if you decide to go that route. Hugs!

Beth said...

Lorie, I think it's awesome how you are going to lose weight! It doesn't matter where you start, it matters that you're working hard to be healthier. I know you are going to see results on the scale -- and even better, you are going to *feel* it in everyday life!

Go Lorie!!!

Dawn said...

Lorie, I'm proud of you for doing this! Before I read your number I thought, wow I don't have the courage to admit to the online world my actual weight. I don't know if I look like what I weigh or not, the number scares me. You're brave! I've read through your blog and you're off to a great start! Dieting is so hard, but you're doing good!

Have you looked at sparkpeople.com to track your food and there are support groups on there too.

Lorie said...

Dawn, you don't know how hard that was for me, but I am trying to use this blog to keep myself accountable and I guess admitting that I have a problem and a number is my first step. I am scared to death! I have never had a good dieting experience, EVER! The only one I had a good expereince with, I got pregnant and did not get to finish it. What scares me more than admitting my number though is not being here and I know that I am on the road to that. I have the greatest hubby in the world! He loves me on the inside and he would never say anything to me about my number, in fact he says I am beautiful, even though I don't see myself that way, but I need people to know about my number and where I am going, so that is why I started this blog.

Patty said...

Good Job! I now you can do it. I also know how hard it is. Keep in touch.

Becky said...

Yay for you Lorie!!

I totally understand Lorie, It was really difficult for me to give my weight to the Biggest Losers blog.